Why Residential Investors are Moving to Commercial Real Estate

Why Residential Investors are Moving to Commercial Real Estate

Not all successful real estate investors get their start investing in residential properties, but most do. The reasons why are pretty simple: It requires a lot less money to get started, in some cases, and there are more options for investment, from flipping houses to...
Commercial Real Estate Investing in the Time of Coronavirus

Commercial Real Estate Investing in the Time of Coronavirus

No question about it: These are interesting times. Oil prices recently hit negative value, and a novel coronavirus has kept most of us home for months. The stock market has bounced around like crazy, causing lots of investors to lose their shirts. Who could have...
You Should Really Move Your IRA into Real Estate

You Should Really Move Your IRA into Real Estate

If you know me, you know that I’m an evangelist for real estate investment. I think it’s the best, most stable class of investment available to investors large and small, and I’m constantly urging everyone I know to add smart real estate purchases to their portfolios....
Hollywood’s Greatest Financial Lessons for Entrepreneurs

Hollywood’s Greatest Financial Lessons for Entrepreneurs

Originally Published on Entrepreneur.com Money is a funny thing in Hollywood movies. Popular films are designed to make lots of money, not to explain prudent financial ideals to viewers. Some good ones, like The Big Short, offer a pretty accurate glimpse into...